Strait Of Hormuz Hypocrisy Exposes U.S. Weakness

To state it simply, the Strait of Hormuz passes through the territorial waters of the sovereign nation of Iran. Any American or Westerner who takes the position that a nation has no right to determine what it allows through its waterways must take the position other nations may freely travel American or Western waterways.

The situation of the Strait of Hormuz should be looked at as is–an issue of protecting one’s borders. At the same time that Americans argue to restrict mere people crossing their borders, they are trying to force Iran to allow anyone the United States approves to cross Iranian borders. In effect, the United is attempting to regulate not only the borders of the U.S., but also the borders of Iran.

In response to Iran threatening to block the portion of the strait inside its border, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey said, “We would take action and reopen the strait.” Now, if the U.S. blocked an international trade passage within its borders, would the same people who support US attempts to reopen the Iranian passage support efforts by nations other than the United States to reopen the blocked U.S. waterway? I think not. Action? What action besides a violent attack against a sovereign would cause it to maybe be swayed?

The sad truth is that most Americans WANT the rest of the world to suffer so that Americans can continue to be the symbol for excess. Many feel it is only right to suck the blood of regions of the world outside of the U.S. and Europe to hold the West on stilts, only to deny victims some of their own blood on occasions when they attempt to enter Western borders, wherein they are denied or called illegal.

When another nation, such as Iran, cuts the West off from the metaphoric titty, senior officials of the United States cry–just like little babies–as we can see with Panetta and Dempsey. The United States and the West cannot sustain itself without infringing on the sovereignty of others. This is why we now see U.S. military operations all around the world–in large scale, recently and currently, in Iraq and Afghanistan. We all know the real reason the U.S. invaded Iraq. We can, now, hear the rhetoric from the U.S. concerning oil. Oil is that resource that moves through the Strait of Hormuz that the West is so concerned about.

Since American media is American and thrives on the blood and breast milk of other nations, we notice their talks about the prices of oil and gas. Media reports are geared toward convincing the American public that Iran’s actions will affect them negatively. So, the average American who is strapped financially due to the cost of U.S. military actions, notably Afghanistan and Iraq, would support causing another imperial military expedition against Iran, believing they will be better off because gas prices will not be so high. Since the U.S. mainstream media will not present the case that the costs of military intervention far outweighs that of costs at the pumps, Americans will fall in line–just as they did with Iraq and other wars with an imperialist agenda perpetuated by the United States and the West.

If viewed properly, we could all see that U.S.-promoted conflict has a simple theme: extracting something from others to sustain Americans’ access to the petty products that fuel their enjoyment. If you looked, you may see this as Iran attempting to save their economy and the lives of its citizens from sanctions imposed on them by The United States and others over allegations that it may do what the United States remains as the only nation to have done–killed millions with nuclear bombs.

If you went around bullying almost defenseless kids, I wouldn’t consider you strong. The United States is weak and cannot stand on its own two feet, and Iran is exposing that fact. America is not exceptional, it is parasitic.

REPORTING FROM WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned Iran on Sunday that any attempt to carry out its threat to choke off the world’s oil supply by closing the Strait of Hormuz would draw a quick U.S. military response.

“We made very clear that the United States will not tolerate the blocking of the Strait of Hormuz,” Panetta said. “That’s another red line for us and that we will respond to them.”

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged that the Iranians could block tanker traffic “for a period of time” in the narrow strait that is a key artery through which about one-fifth of world’s oil supply flows.

“We’ve invested in capabilities to ensure that if that happens, we can defeat that,” Dempsey said. “But we would take action and reopen the strait.”

Read More at LA Times

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